Best Place to Install Split Air Conditioner in Bedroom

Best Place to Install Split Air Conditioner in Bedroom

Most people would agree that air conditioning is a necessity in this scorching hot Malaysian weather. When the weather gets hot and sticky, nothing feels better than walking into a cool, air-conditioned room. Split airconds are a great way to keep your home cool and comfortable, but where is the best place to install them? There are a few things you need to take into consideration when deciding where to install your split air conditioner:


Should not install the air conditioner on the head and the end of the bed

Many people spend a lot of time choosing the right air conditioner for their bedroom, but they often overlook the importance of choosing the right location for it. The air conditioner should not be installed on the head or at the end of the bed, as this can disrupt the flow of air and cause discomfort. This is especially important for those who suffer from allergies or respiratory problems.

The air cond should be installed in a central location

The best place to install a split air conditioner in a bedroom is in the center of the room. This will ensure that the unit can evenly distribute cool air throughout the space. It is also important to make sure that the unit is installed at least seven feet off the ground. This will help to prevent any potential damage from dust or debris. Before installing the air conditioner, be sure to measure the space so that you know what size unit you need.

Installing the air conditioner in the right location will help to ensure that your bedroom is cool and comfortable all year long. Be sure to take into consideration the placement of the unit before making your purchase. This will help you to enjoy a cool, comfortable space for years to come.

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The aircond should be installed at the correct height

When it comes to split air conditioners, there are a few things to keep in mind in terms of installation. First and foremost, it is important to install the unit at the correct height. The evaporator should be installed high on the wall, while the condenser should be installed low on the wall. This will ensure that the air conditioner can operate properly and that cool air is evenly distributed throughout the room. For example, if the evaporator is installed too low, the cool air will sink to the floor and will not be circulated properly.

In addition, it is important to make sure that the unit is installed away from any windows or doors. This will prevent drafts from coming into the room and affecting the performance of the air conditioner.

No Object In Front of the Aircond

When it comes to installing a split air conditioner in your bedroom, remember to not leave any object in front of it. This can block airflow and reduce the efficiency of the unit. This is because the air conditioner needs to be able to draw in air from the outside in order to function properly. If there is an object blocking the airflow, the unit will have to work harder to cool the room, which can lead to higher energy bills. For example, do not put a bed in front of it or any other large furniture. You can always consult with a technician that specialize in aircond installation as they will be able to give you the best advise on where to install your air cond.

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Consider an Inverter Air Conditioner

An inverter air conditioner is a type of aircond that uses a variable speed compressor. By varying the speed of the compressor, an inverter aircond can better adjust to changing cooling demand, which results in improved efficiency. Inverter aircond also tends to be quieter and have a longer lifespan than traditional air conditioners. This is due to the fact that they do not have to start and stop as often, which puts less strain on the compressor. When choosing an air conditioner for your bedroom, consider an inverter model for improved efficiency and longevity.


When it comes to choosing the best place to install a split air conditioner in your bedroom, there are a few things to keep in mind. It is important to understhat the unit should be installed in a central location, at least seven feet off the ground, and away from any windows or doors. Additionally, remember to not leave any object in front of the air conditioner so as to not block airflow. And finally, consider an inverter model for improved efficiency and longevity. The aircond should be installed at the correct height.

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